Wednesday 22 April 2020

Happy Birthday, Shakespeare!

Question of the Day:  Shakespeare wrote "King Lear" while London was shut down because of the plague.  Have you done anything productive since we've been locked down?  I've been working on my play -- "The Coronamon" (based on Boccaccio's Decammeron) but it is heavy slogging these days.

Warm-up:  Blindness, both literal and figuratively, is a theme in "King Lear".  Imagine you are blind.  Walk around your house as if you can't see.  What other sense helps you the most?  If you want to push it further, go outside!  This is good for imagination and trust.

If you can, watch the Stratford Festival's production of "King Lear" this evening.  (It's free through Gem this month.  Go to the Stratford Festival's website and choose "Watch".)

I hope you all got the invitation to the Zoom meeting tomorrow (if you didn't, email me!).  The intention of the meeting is to bring you up to date as far as term 3 (the first term of second semester) report cards go, to talk a bit about the assignments on the blog and my expectations of your online work and how I will figure out your final mark.  Grade 8's, tomorrow morning we are having a meeting about what will happen as far as the new term goes, so I will pass that info on to you.  It is also a good way for us to try out the technology and see how it will work with our class.  I am looking forward to seeing you.  Make sure you read the letter Ms. Sakata sent home -- it gives you clear instructions for how to use Zoom.

Zoom Meeting Times
C Block 1 p.m.
B Block 1:30 p.m. (I wanted it to be 1:45 but it doesn't seem to do 15 minutes intervals)
A Block 2:30 p.m.


  1. hey can our silent film be more than 2 minutes?

  2. You should try to keep it to 2 minutes, but it is just an estimate, since we can't film them because of social distancing rules.
