Tuesday 21 April 2020

Here is your lesson for April 22!

Question of the day:  (optional, remember, but interesting!)  What is your favourite photograph?  (I have lots I love.  One is of my son and my husband in Saskatchewan.  We went home for a family reunion and the photo shows them looking out over the prairie.  My husband was a very big guy (we lost him to cancer in 2015) and my son was very small at that time.  My husband's hand is resting on my son's head.  I love the prairie and them and that photo is really important to me.)

Warm-up:  Remember the mime exercise you did yesterday about packing your backpack?  Choose a new circumstance, like you're going to a sleepover at your cousin's house, or you're going to the beach or going camping for the weekend.   Do a mime about packing under these circumstances.

Lesson:  Keep working on your detailed plot outline.  I included an example to give you an idea what I'm looking for.

On Thursday, we are going to try a Zoom conference and you should receive an invitation to your block's conference tomorrow afternoon.  If you don't receive an invitation, please email me to let me know (I might not have your correct email address.  I haven't hosted a lot of these meetings and so I could easily make a mistake.)  If you can't make the meeting, email me before to let me know not to expect you.

Here are the Zoom rules!  (Make sure you tell your parents to read Ms. Sakata's email about Zoom.)

1.  Do not take screen shots or video of the meeting.
2.  Behave like you would in the classroom.
3.  Think about what is in the background -- you should avoid showing anything you'd rather us not see.  You should try to light yourself from the front and not from the back.
4.  Be patient.

See you on Thursday!

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