Sunday 26 April 2020

Pro-D Day? What's that?

Apparently, it is a pro-d day tomorrow, so there would be no school, if we were at school, which we aren't.  So I won't post an actual lesson because, if it was a pro-d day, you wouldn't have a lesson!

So, I am asking myself this question these days.  What is the difference between the weekend and the weekdays?  Everything is a blur for me, except I really miss school.  Do you?  I don't miss my long bus/train/skytrain trip back and forth, but I miss having our classes and seeing your plays and doing your warmups and watching your rehearsals.  What's one thing you miss about school?  What's one thing you like about being locked down?  (We've been doing this for six weeks!)

Tomorrow is my last chance to change report cards before they are published on Thursday, so if you see a problem (check the portal), let me know!  I have found a few changes that I need to make so nothing is carved in stone yet.

Perhaps you are going to work on your final storyboard or script for your 2 minute silent film.  I will publish my script tomorrow to give you an idea what that might look like.  (I am working on my storyboard and hope to have it ready to show on Tuesday.)  I have read your outlines and am really excited to see your final version.  Lots of you have said you might have something different in the end.  That's part of the process.  Everytime you work on it, it will change (hopefully, for the better.)

Remember, if you feel overwhelmed by work (not just work assigned by me, but by all your teachers), you must let us know.  We have been told you should have about 3 hours of work a day total for ALL YOUR SUBJECTS, so if you are doing more than 3 hours, you might find that difficult and stressful.  This is new to teachers, too, and we aren't sure how long some of these lessons might take.   I am very flexible about you handing things in when you can, with the caveat that you don't want to just say, "oh, well, she doesn't care when I get this done" and then leaving it until June 20 or something and then it will be VERY stressful.

Remember, we will have a Zoom meeting once a week.   I do expect you to attend the meeting (that means it's mandatory)!  We have been told to have it during the school day because then you should be free to attend class.  My son's biology class has to meet at 9 a.m., so just thank your lucky stars that these meetings are in the afternoon.

A Block will meet at 2:30 on Tuesday.
B Block will meet at 1:30 on Thursday.
C Block will meet at 1:00 on Thursday.

I will set the meetings up and send you an invitation on Monday.

Grade 8's!  We finally had our meeting about the switch to Art.  We will be switching over to Art on Monday, May 4, but I will still be your teacher.  I'm excited about the chance for all of us to explore Visual Art together!

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