Thursday 23 April 2020


Hi everyone,

It was so great to touch base with so many of you today.  I just wanted to post the information for you and also tell everyone that we will meet through Zoom weekly.  C Block -- every Thursday at 1; B Block -- every Thursday at 1:30 and A Block -- every Tuesday at 2:30.  Make sure you attend the meetings.  They are held during school times because you would normally be at school and should be free.  I will send you a new invitation each week with a new password and meeting id number.

Info on report cards:  Marks for lst term of second semester are posted on the portal.  They will be officially published on Thursday, April 30.  Let me know if you think I've made an error.  This mark is for what you did before spring break.

We are expected to produce a report card in June as well.  This will reflect your achievement since spring break.  Do all the mandatory work and you will be in great shape.

If you are finding the work difficult or overwhelming, let me know.  We will figure out what will make it manageable for you.

What is optional and what is mandatory?
Question of the day:  optional (send Ms. Kosar your answer if you like)
Warm-up:  Do it, but you don't need to report on it to Ms. Kosar.  This is to keep you working with drama ideas and working with the important aspects of drama -- imagination, teamwork, sense awareness and observation, trust, concentration, vocal and physical dexterity, critical thinking, etc.
Lesson:  Mandatory.

Study Hall for Students:  If you are struggling with your work or don't communicate with your teachers or answer emails, you could be referred to the study hall.  This is an idea the school has come up with to help you with your work.  If you don't understand a lesson or can't figure out what is going on, you could be invited to a study hall which we hope to set up in the Shark Tank.  Social distancing rules will be observed, but you could attend the study hall and ask questions, seek help with organizing yourself, or get help for certain subject areas or certain projects.  You can let your counsellor know if you think this could help you.  Your teachers might also refer you to the program if you don't respond to their lessons or emails.

Thanks heaps to Viaan and Claire for helping with this.  Please, everyone, reach out to your friends or students who were absent and let them know that I expect them to attend the Zoom meetings.  They won't be long.  Today, each meeting only took about 20 - 30 minutes.


Question of the Day:  Do you like to dance?  Are you a good dancer?  Is dance a sport or an art form?  (I do like to dance, and I used to be a good dancer, but now I am much less flexible and so it is harder for me.  I think dance is an art.  Obviously, it is very physical and requires the dancer to be strong and agile and very fit, but I think it transcends sport because it is expressive and tries to communicate metaphorically.)

Warm-up:  Watch Alvin Ailey's dancers performing an excerpt from "Revelations" (I Been Buked)  There's the link.  Follow along.  This is creative, communicative, physical and uses teamwork and observation.

Lesson:  You should hand in your detailed plot outline of your film and start thinking about the script or storyboard due next week.

Grade 8's:  As I told you, we will discuss the course change to Art tomorrow at our meeting (which was postponed from today).  I will let you know what is decided.

Have a terrific weekend.

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