Tuesday 2 June 2020

Chooo Choooo

Question of the Day:  On this day in 1889, the Canadian Pacific Railway was completed.  Would you like to cross Canada on a train?  Explain your answer.  I have crossed much of Canada by train (I started in Toronto and came here, so I missed Quebec and Atlantic Canada).  It was a terrific trip -- you don't realize how big Canada is until you travel like that.  I had a nice little compartment with my own bed and bathroom, so it was quite luxurious (to me).  One night I went to bed and we were just approaching Lake Superior and when I woke up, we were still at Lake Superior.  The Great Lakes really are GREAT!

Art 8:  Look at the textures you created.  What does each small rectangle suggest to you?
Drama 9/10, Theatre Production 11:  Do an activity (read a book, go for a walk, listen to music) as if you were the character you've been assigned in the role play.

Art 8:  Watercolour is a great medium for landscapes.  We're going to create a landscape.  It can be fictional (made up from your head) or what you see out the window or a combination of both.  Our first task is to create a sky.  Wet your paper thoroughly and then create your sky (a blue sky, a grey rainy sky, a brilliant sunset -- whatever you want).  You can make clouds by dabbing with a paper towel or tissue, or you can use your texture ideas with your brush.  Once your sky is dry, you can think about the foreground (which should be darker than your sky) -- a field of flowers, a water scene with boats, a city street, a silhouette.   If you want to apply one colour on top of another, you need to let the paint dry first.  You can work on this until Monday (June 8).

Here's one of mine:

Here are some terrific landscapes:

I don't intend that you copy them, but they give you an idea of what great artists have done.

Drama 9/10; Theatre Production 11:
Answer the following questions about your character:
1.  What do you know about your character?  Do you have a connection in the class?  (If it doesn't say so on your description, with whom might you connect?)
2.  What would your character wear?
3.  In rehearsal or in group work, how would your character behave?
4.  Would your character get an academic alert report?  If so, what would it say?  If not, what would their report card comment say?
5.  Answer this question as your character:  You see someone being bullied.  What would you do?
Answer these questions by Friday.

Tomorrow and Friday, we will talk about the extended role play and how we will do it.

Zoom meetings:
A Block -- Wednesday at 1:30 (you should have received your invitation)
B Block -- Friday at 12:30
C Block -- Thursday at 12:30

One group still needs to finish their heritage performance.  Your monologues are due.  Theatre Production, your theatre history project is due on June 17!

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