Wednesday 24 June 2020

Puzzles and games

Question of the Day:  Do you like crossword puzzles?  (I do.)  Do you like any other sorts of puzzles?  (I like word puzzles, but not sudoku or Rubics cube type puzzles -- my mind just seizes up when I think of them!  I do two crossword puzzles every day -- one in the Guardian and one in the New York Times (the speedy one, not the big one!)  Some people say they're good for your brain, but I just like them and I'm always proud when I get them done.

Activity 1:  There are lots of fun puzzles and games on the website I mentioned before -- Shakespeare's Globe.  Just google the name "Shakespeare's Globe" and then click "Play and Learn" and that will lead you to games, puzzles, videos and even recipes you can make!

Activity 2:  Have you heard about the Pomodoro method?  It's a time management tool developed by a man named Francesco Cirillo.  (It's named after a kitchen timer that Cirillo had when he was in university -- it looked like a tomato!)  It works something like this:  you decide on a task you want to accomplish.  You set a timer for 25 minutes and work on the task for that time.  When the timer rings, you stop working and give yourself a check mark.  You take a five minute break.  Each work period is called a pomodoro.  After four pomodoros, you can take a longer break (15 minutes).  It's supposed to be a method to prevent procrastination, which lots of you say is a problem for you.  Give it a try!  (You can google this, too, and get more detailed instructions.)

Tomorrow, I will be at the school and I will post our last blog of the school year!  It has been a crazy time!  Think of what you will tell your grandchildren!

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